The Sunshine Blogger Award is the very first tag award I ever received in the book blogging community. I am honestly very grateful to Lovelene Pearl of @thesetrappedwords for nominating me; thank you so much! ♥

I’ve never really been an active book blogger for over four years, since I started. However, this community has always been my go-to place when the real world seems too much to handle at times. Taking myself to different worlds through books is as exhilarating as it is peaceful and serene.

About this award:


The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.


1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.

2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.

3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.


  1. Do you think blogging is dead in 2020?
  • Absolutely, not. In fact, I think more and more people are discovering this community and finding it helpful for their sanity. This platform helps people express their feelings in creative and relaxing ways, especially in this time of world-wide crisis.

2. Describe the ending that you love best in books.

  • As cliche as this might sound, I love happy endings. Happy endings with a little or more heartbreak (i.e., important character dies or something haha).

3. What makes you rate a book with 5 stars?

  • The concept. The story line. And most importantly, the writing. I should be able to feel the characters, to soak in everything they are.

4. What series/book you read a few years back and changed your mind about it now?

  • Twilight. I read the Twilight series before I learned about The Vampire Diaries TV show. And man did I immediately fall for Edward, and adored Bella. I found their world fascinating, honestly. And then I was introduced to The Vampire Diaries TV show, and because of that, my whole perception and feelings for Twilight series turned 360 degrees. I then questioned myself for liking Twilight. I soon found Twilight disturbing and all sorts of wrong. Since then, The Vampire Diaries has been my all-time favorite TV series, without reading the books.

5. Do you prefer to watch the movie first or read the book first?

  • It depends on the movie/series trailer. If I think the trailer is good, then I’d read the book first. But if the trailer looks kind of off to me, I’d want to find out how and why, so I watch it first. Mostly, I read the book first.

6. Do you research (stalk?) the authors of your favorite book?

  • Just enough to know if they’re single or married, or if they have other published works. I don’t really go fan crazy.

7. Have you ever failed a Goodreads challenge?

  • Yes, I have. The first time I did Goodreads challenge was last year, and I failed to achieve my goal.

8. Who are your favorite Booktubers?

  • I have no favorites because I don’t watch booktubes. Though I plan to, but I’ve never really made time for it.

9. How long was your longest bookslump?

  • I think around 6 or 7 months?

10. What’s your advice on people who are not big on reading?

  • Just try it once, and make sure to take notice of how it makes you feel.

11. Do you enjoy book clubs?

  • I’ve never tried, but I think I won’t enjoy it because I’m more into independent reading. I’m an introvert and I just want to dwell on my own thoughts.


  1. When did you start book blogging?
  2. How many books can you finish reading in a year?
  3. Have you ever read a book that seems to be written based on your life?
  4. What’s your most favorite part about book blogging?
  5. Have you met people through this platform, who turned out to be your friend/s?
  6. Do you write reviews of every book that you read?
  7. What are you currently reading?
  8. Do you have a reading list that you follow?
  9. If you were a Fae, what are you?
  10. Have you ever written your own story?
  11. Do you have published works?




Danielle @dmcireadsblog

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